Calle 28 No. 13A-24 Oficina 514
Bogotá D. C. - Colombia
Pbx:  4929020



Integral legal advice has as main objective a timely and professional accompaniment for national and international companies, in those actions that must be verified by a lawyer. This type of advice seeks to optimize the minutes to adjust to each case the legal content, give legality and safety in the proceedings and minimize legal risks.


In order to accomplish the above, the firm offers the following services:

  • Legal accompaniment in areas of civil, commercial, labor, government contracting, real estate, administrative and tax law.
  • Preparation of legal documents (contracts, minutes, letters, summons, rights of petition, resources, legal proceedings, among others) on matters relating to the practice areas set out above.
  • The advice is provided by lawyers in each legal area.